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Peacock Bass Fishing

Peacock Bass Association - For more infoCheck out the Peacock Bass Association - click on the logo!

PF4 CoverPF4 - Amazon Peacock Bass Fishing
by Larry Larsen

Readers will learn about the differences in the tributaries, why some are much better than others for peacock bass fishing, and even some facts about the flora and fauna in the Basin. Each chapter is based on a specific experience and tactics at a location in the Basin or the Operation that handled the trip. Readers will learn tactics for "fry balls", "piranha bursts", post-rain, shallow and clear waters, "dolphin encounters", large lagoons, sandbar drops, walk-ins, "teener" schoolers, sight fishing, laydowns, storms, channels, irregular shorelines, topwater trolling, mid-lagoon haunts, "team" fishing, river bars and pools, "fly-outs" and flood stage waters. Readers will also learn about lure modifications, lure cadence and rhythm to make them the most effective. Information is included on the top bait colors and patterns, size selection of the lures, and many other tackle tips to increase reader productivity on their next trip to any peacock bass location. Many detailed illustrations and numerous photos highlight the most productive patterns. Several Appendices include a World Peacock Bass Directory Contact List, courtesy of the Peacock Bass Association, which identifies most all of the world's major agents, operators and outfitters of peacock bass trips and the major product manufacturers and services that cater


Peacock Bass Addictions - Larry LarsenPF3 - Peacock Bass Addiction
by Larry Larsen

     Book 3 in the series focuses on catching America's greatest gamefish, the peacock bass. It offers the latest tips on where, when and how to catch this exciting fish, including range/seasonal movements, fly fishing tips, battle tips and newly-discovered top locations in the world. Comprehensive tackle/equipment recommendations, and Larsen's secrets to finding the most productive habitats in the most productive lagoons for giant peacock bass are presented. Don't waste your valuable time learning on the water!  This book and the other two have all the information you need.



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Larsen Outdoors, Lakeland, FL 33812

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