Larry Larsen Shares Peacock Bass Fishing Secrets
LAKELAND, FL – The Peacock Bass Association has introduced a new "how-to" video, "Master's Secrets to Peacock Bass Fishing with Larry Larsen." Viewers will learn Larry's seven tactics and 12
secrets for catching more and bigger peacock bass so that they can have greater success on their next trip to South America. This 42 minute video in both DVD and VHS format is loaded with tricks and tips from the
internationally recognized expert angler who has caught over 1,700 peacock bass weighing from 10 to 25 pounds!
Larry, an author of four books and more than 120 magazine articles on peacock bass, welcomes the viewer to his world of peacock bass fishing with an entertaining video that is educational and fun to
watch. In it, he covers the many factors he has discovered to achieving maximum success on big fish during more than 60 trips chasing peacock. Viewers will learn the difference between fishing for territorial fish
and fishing for structure-oriented ambush-type predators. They will learn where to fish for optimal success on their target fish and expert techniques to most effectively fish such spots.
Master's Secrets to Peacock Bass Fishing with Larry Larsen reveals the "rules" for catching the giants and the exceptions to those rules. Viewers will learn the prime visual keys, including the
optimal depths, structure, water type and color, current and other factors that make for maximizing the catch of "teeners." Larry discusses hook-up ratios, "team fishing" for doubles and effective follow-up tactics.
Viewers will learn how to fish fry balls, short-strikers, and schoolers and how to troll topwater plugs for giants; they'll also learn about detecting and fishing the right "signs" on the water. The Fishing Hall of
Fame inductee discusses selecting and fishing the right equipment for success including rods, reels, line, lures and hooks.
This new instructional video is the most comprehensive and detailed work ever produced
on the explosive peacock bass. Learn from the excitement of fast-breaking action brought to you on this entertaining video/DVD. It will help you be a better peacock bass fisherman!
Master's Secrets to Peacock Bass Fishing with Larry Larsen, produced by Larsen's Outdoor Publishing and Awesome Fishing Productions, both of Lakeland, FL, is available
in DVD format for $29.95 (postpaid). The Peacock Bass Association is the world's number one source of information on the exciting peacock bass. To order online, visit, or contact Peacock Bass Association, Dept. "Vid2PB", 2640 Elizabeth Place, Lakeland, FL 33812; Phone (863) 644-3381 or e-mail
Editor's Note: For photos to illustrate any editorial use of this release, you may copy the video cover and/or an action
shot of Larry Larsen from the PBA website. A copy of the striking color Peacock Bass Association decal can also be obtained from the same website.